(Well... I meant to post this on Friday, but life got in the way... Sorry!)
I'm going to try and do one of these every week, to let you guys know about interesting or helpful posts from around the blogosphere. I read a lot of different blogs on a regular basis, and It's a great way to get inspiration for my own projects! This week, I've got a bit of spring fever, and I'm already starting on my list of warm-weather activities. After reading these posts, I think my list just got longer!
One thing I love about spring is spring cleaning (I know, call me crazy). How to Nest for Less has given me so much inspiration for tackling my most difficult cleaning task- organizing my daughter's room!
Can I just say I LOVE Centsational Girl's blog? (I also follow her on Pinterest!) Some of the projects she does are so simple, yet I never would have thought of it on my own! Case in point: I'm sure we all have stacks and stacks of half-full paint cans in our sheds/garages leftover from other projects (see before picture below.)

Well, you don't want to have to get rid of all that paint in case you need it for touch-ups or another project later. But there is still a better solution! Check out her result, then click the link for the how-to!
Now, another thing that SCREAMS spring to me is... Gardening! I plan on really kicking my green thumbs into gear this year. I want to be able to grow a lot of my own vegetables, and what better way to start than using scraps from vegetables you've already eaten that you would have otherwise thrown away? Stylelist calls it "zombie gardening." Take a look at some of their tips
Stay tuned for a more detailed post about organic gardening, as well as more of my picks from around the blogosphere! Happy reading!